Tuesday 19 June 2012

Botox Toronto

Botox is the name for botulinus toxin, 
which is injected in very little amounts by a micro needle.
This process is correctly called cosmetic denervation 
although most of the people call it botox injections.

wrinkle reduction drug is a purified protein produced by 
the Clostridium botulinum bacterium, 
which reduces the activity of the muscles that cause those lines between 
the brows to form over time. 

The toronto botox injection is a simple and safe procedure.Using a micro needle, 
Very small amount is injected into the specific area. 
Because the needle is so fine and only a little amount of liquid is used,
that's why the pain from the injections is minimum. 
Most patients says the pain of a botox injection like a bug bite. 
Only local anesthetic is required and 
the patient should be able to do normal activities immediately.
Few patients experience a slight temporary bruising at 
the botox toronto injection area.This can be covered with light make-up.